Mr and Mrs Lee Koing


Mr Lee Koing rose from humble beginnings to become a successful businessman who has worked very hard since young. He credits the success of his business to the values of diligence and perseverance.

Mr Lee Koing has been an active member in various boards and associations. He has been very supportive and has contributed to:

The Malaysia Steel & Metal Distributors’ Association where he was appointed as the President, Advisor and Honorary President from 2005 – 2008.

The United Lee’s Federation of Malaysia as its President from 2006-2008.

Chong Hwa Independent High School Board of Directors as the Vice Chairman.

The Federation of ANXI Association Malaysia as the Vice Chairman.

Both Mr and Mrs Lee Koing believe strongly in giving back to society. They hope that their donation to the UTAR Hospital T&CM Centre will improve access to medical care for those in need.

强自年少就开始努力工作,白手起家到今日成为一名成功的商人。他将其在商业上的成功归功于两个价值观:勤奋与毅力。强先生是多社团与团体组织的活跃会员。一直以来他也全力支持下列单位并做出贡献:2005年至2008年期间被委任为马来西亚钢材五金商会会长、顾问与荣誉会长。2006 年至 2008 年期间出任马来西亚李氏总会主席。现任中华独立中学董事会副主席。现任马来西亚安溪会馆联合会副会长。强夫妇坚信回馈社会的使命。他们希望他们对拉曼大学医院传辅医疗中心的捐献将改善有需要的人获得医疗服务的机会