UTAR is indeed honoured to receive donations from Fo Guang Shan Malaysia towards the development of the UTAR Hospital in UTAR Kampar Campus.
UTAR President Ir Prof Dr Ewe Hong Tat received the donation of RM50,000 from Fo Guang Shan Malaysia on 12 February 2022. Fo Guang Shan Malaysia has also earlier on donated RM50,000 on 21 January 2022 for UTAR Hospital.
On behalf of the University and the UTAR Hospital, Prof Ewe thanks Fo Guang Shan Malaysia for their generosity and support towards the development of the UTAR Hospital that will provide affordable quality medical and health services to the community and training for the MBBS and healthcare students.
UTAR Hospital is a not-for-profit hospital that will serve the community to support the good health and mental and physical well-being of the people. The UTAR Hospital will continue to seek the support and contribution of the community for its development which costs RM330 million.
Fo Guang Shan Malaysia (馬來西亞佛光山) is one of the many branches of Fo Guang Shan (“FGS”) throughout the world. Fo Guang Shan (FGS) is an international Chinese Mahāyāna Buddhist organization based in Taiwan and is also one of the largest charity organizations in Taiwan. The organization emphasizes education and service, and also promotes medical, social and educational programmes for the community. FGS is founded by Venerable Master Hsing Yun ( 星雲大師 ).